Second CEE conference: Call for submissions now open

NEWS | 2017-09-29

The second conference of the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (CEE) will take place in Paris, France, between 16-20 April 2018. The call is now open for submissions for sessions, trainings, talks and posters.

The conference aims to promote and support evidence-based approaches to environmental management and high quality syntheses of evidence.

Syntheses like these can help decision-makers to better conserve biodiversity and ecosystem services. The conference will cover science, policy, and practice from local to global scales.

Two calls are now open for proposals for sessions and training events as well as abstracts for talks and posters. Proposals must relate to the environment and sustainable management of biodiversity and ecosystems (e.g. in agriculture, forestry, fisheries), and may encompass multidisciplinary topics particularly related to human wellbeing, international development and the sustainable development goals (e.g. biodiversity and health, green tourism, impact of life-cycles of products, ecotoxicology, impact of biotechnologies).

You can read more about the calls and how to submit via the links to the right.

Approaches of interest may encompass goals and challenges to carrying out evidence synthesis, such as (but not exclusively):

  • Communicating findings of existing evidence synthesis to decision makers and practitioners
  • Engaging with decision-makers and practitioners
  • Identifying the need for evidence-synthesis
  • Comparing methods for evidence synthesis
  • Commissioning CEE reviews
  • Developing consortia and networks for collaborative evidence-synthesis
  • Lessons learnt from conducting CEE reviews
  • Case studies on impact of CEE reviews
  • Advancing evidence synthesis methodology
  • Developing funding streams for evidence synthesis

Key dates for the conference

Deadline for proposals for sessions and training events: 15 November, 2017
Notification of acceptance of sessions and training events: 1 December, 2017
Deadline for abstracts for talks and posters: 15 December, 2017
Notification of acceptance of talks and posters: 10 January, 2018
Registration opens: December 2017
Deadline for early bird registration: February 2018

The first CEE conference in 2016 was arranged by Mistra EviEM and held in Stockholm in August 2016. This 2018 conference will be arranged by the French CEE centre, the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB).