EviEM visit to the Scientific Advise Mechanism in Brussels

NEWS | 2017-06-12

In May, EviEM Director Sif Johansson and Project Manager Neal Haddaway were invited to Brussels to present EviEM’s methods and review projects to the High Level Group of the European Commission’s Scientific Advise Mechanism (SAM).

Sif Johansson and Neal Haddaway in Brussels in May 2017.

SAM is a group of leading experts working with science and technology across Europe. Supported by a secretariat of 18, the SAM provides independent scientific advice and recommendations in relation to pressing policy topics to the College of European Commissioners to support their decision making.

The audience in Brussels consisted of representatives from a range of different organisations working with evidence, and there was a very stimulating half day session involving some particularly interesting discussions relating to how to synthesise evidence and how to measure impact, amongst other things.

Interesting discussions with SAM.

The morning ended with new connections and expanded networks, and EviEM is hopeful for many interesting discussions with our friends at SAM and its collaborators in the future.