News from 2018
Make your science sticky – storytelling as a science communication tool
NEWS | 2018-02-19In a recent journal article published in the Journal of Environmental Evidence we set out a new way to use storytelling techniques to make research resonate with the people who the findings matter to, and empower them to take action. Read the blog about the article.
Event in Swedish: Framtida miljövård på vetenskaplig grund
EVENT | 2018-05-17Den 28 maj ägde ett dialogseminarium rum i Stockholm om hur forskning kan stödja beslut i miljöfrågor.
New Open Access Book on Stakeholder Engagement in Environmental Evidence Synthesis
NEWS | 2018-04-18EviEM has published a collection of methodology and commentary articles on the importance of stakeholder engagement for environmental evidence synthesis.
How agricultural land can help sequester carbon
NEWS | 2018-03-27On 27th of April, The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry organizes a seminar about the sequestration of organic coal in agricultural land.
Second CEE conference took place in April 2018
NEWS | 2018-03-07The second conference of the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (CEE) took place in Paris, France, between 16-20 April 2018.
Evidence Synthesis Hackathon announced, Stockholm April 23rd-25th
NEWS | 2018-02-09Join us for a hackathon to develop tools for rapidly synthesising research evidence, proudly funded by EviEM and the Australian National University. The inaugural Evidence Synthesis Hackathon (ESH) will be held from Monday 23rd – Wednesday 25th April 2018 at the Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden.