
Here you can find EviEM’s publications. Click on the links below or to the left to continue.

Review reports

When a review project started, the review team developed a protocol, a detailed plan for how the review was to be conducted. When a review was finished, a final report was published in the Environmental Evidence journal and on EviEM’s web page. Several of the reviews have also been synthesised in summaries and fact sheets, issued both in English and in Swedish.


Evidence Overviews

EviEM’s Evidence Overviews provide overviews of relevant environmental issues based on limited literatur searches and with no general conclusions made. An evidence overview indicates whether there is research pointing in the same direction or if there is knowledge missing.




EviEM Comments

The EviEM Comments series summarises and comments on systematic reviews not conducted by EviEM that are considered to be relevant for Swedish environmental management.





Pilot Studies

A pilot study contains a general introduction to a specific topic, and it investigates whether the topic has recently been reviewed and if there is sufficient evidence available for a full systematic review.

The Knowledge Project

EviEM asked decision-makers and other stakeholders through surveys and interviews and obtained a large number of areas where more knowledge is needed. These needs were prioritised at a workshop with participants including those who identified the questions as well as social and natural scientific environmental researchers. This report (in Swedish only) outlines the process for the identification of the knowledge gaps and the prioritised areas where knowledge is missing.

Annual Reports

Here are EviEM’s Annual Reports for 2012-2017.

Other scientific articles

In addition to the reviews, researchers at EviEM have published other scientific articles in various journals, for example on systematic review and systematic map methodology. Here we have listed them.

Popular science articles

Here are links to a couple of popular science articles about EviEM and our work.


EviEM has published a collection of methodology and commentary articles on the importance of stakeholder engagement for environmental evidence synthesis.

Knowledge & Change

Knowledge & Change is EviEM’s news magazine.