Additional files to the SR15 final report

Additional file 1.  Literature searches

Additional file 2.  Unobtainable articles following title and abstract screening

Additional file 3.  Articles excluded from the review at full text

Additional file 4.  Studies excluded from the review due to low validity

Additional file 5.  Meta-data extraction and coding schema

Additional file 6.  Preparation of data for quantitative synthesis

Additional file 7.  R script for meta-analyses

Additional file 8.  Data used in meta-analyses

Additional file 9.  Systematic map database

Additional file 10.  Data extraction and validity assessment of quantitative synthesis studies

Additional file 11.  Narrative synthesis plots

Additional file 12.  Quantitative synthesis outputs (including forest, funnel and Cook’s distance plots)

Additional file 13.  ROSES form for the systematic review report